Making a donation
The Glanfield Group relies entirely on donations from the general public for support. Thank you for your generosity. Please note that all online donations are processed by our parent charity, The Catholic Association, but all funds designated for The Glanfield Group do come to us.
Donate online
Please contact Cat Astley at [email protected] to make a donation
Send a donation
Please send a cheque payable to 'CA - Glanfield Children's Group' to:
Mrs. Cat Astley
Glanfield Group Treasurer
10 The Stewarts
Bishops Stortford
CM23 2NT
Donate online
Please contact Cat Astley at [email protected] to make a donation
Send a donation
Please send a cheque payable to 'CA - Glanfield Children's Group' to:
Mrs. Cat Astley
Glanfield Group Treasurer
10 The Stewarts
Bishops Stortford
CM23 2NT